Being the only girl in the house is... quite an experience! I usually like it. The guys are nice, most of the time, and I get a lot of inside conversation that many other girls don't. It's true that it's sometimes annoying to be the only girl or one of the only 2-3 girls in a party, but it's also fun. Many times it's just so much easier to be friends with guys than girls. I think it's because they are usually a lot more honest and tolerant. Now, I don't want my words to be misinterpreted. Guys can be VERY bitchy! It's just that, usually, they are more friendly and accepting - oh, you do that - cool, let's play soccer. Might be because most of them suffer from learned ADD and don't genuinely care about what one thinks... Nafis has this t-shirt which says "A penny for you thought, a dollar if you flash me!" SO TRUE! 90% of the time guys couldn't care less for anyone's thoughts, ideas, or concerns, unless they can prove that the respective individual is wrong and they are right. So, 10 % of the cases are exceptions, and normally they care for who won the cup, what's for dinner, who's hot and... things like these. Therefore, it's considerably easier to get to know them. The harder part for women is getting men to do what they (women) want. Actually, I think today I developed an increased penis envy (after 3 hours of insane period cramps). I just think it's too easy to be male...
Although, honestly speaking, being a girl doesn't suck that hard either. Especially when you are the woman of the house :P. It takes some yelling and frowning sometimes, but it can work out pretty well. I, for one, get to do shopping for the three of us who share food (Nafis, Ryan and I) - and I like shopping for good stuff, including food. I also get to have them clean up (this can be sometimes a problem), but at least I'm not doing it all the time. I also don't have to cook or do laundry all by myself. I am given attention, since I am the girl :P. I also get a lot of understanding for my wilder side. I have plenty of support in various situations, including bug-related issues. And last, but not least, it's a lot of fun. Guys know jokes. They also gossip a lot and it's hilarious!!! They do a lot of retarded things like - who would do whom... etc etc.
It's rather nice... and I do wish I could be a guy for like a day or two and see how feels.
Honestly, I always wondered how it feels to have a penis, and more importantly, how it feels when your penis grows from flaccid to hard... fascinating to me!
ps: image by Patrick Denker - Penis envy envy
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