We are a bunch of friends from Lafayette College - Easton, PA. Very genderly imbalanced, considering the fact that there are 4 guys and one girl among us.
We come from 4 different developing countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, and Romania (in alphabetical order)), which makes it a lot easier to "feel" each other, so that's cool.
Currently, we all live together in B11 - one of the suits in Watson Courts in this college. It's pretty cool and we enjoy living together, just that the double is pretty small. In any case...
So, we try to live as good and clean as possible here. We try to cook as much as possible and make all these things that each of us eat back home or that tickle our fantasies. Sometimes we eat at Wawa - a local Pennsylvanian convenience store. We all "heart" Wawa!
Oh, I forgot to mention that we're all science majors and are pursuing BSs...
So that's about it for our common entity. Let's move to the personal level, in a.o. (alphabetical order):

Brook (Bisrat Estifanos)
Nationality: Ethiopian
Major: currently B.S. Neuroscience, but stay
Nickname: Big/FatBoy (he is the heaviest in the house)
Likes: soccer, science, Ethiopian food, porn, random youtube
videos, black uhuru
Favorite dish: injara

Farhan (Abedin)
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Major: B.S. Math
Nickname: The Devil
Likes: math, physics, guitar, annoying people, stand-up comedy
Favorite dish: chicken pulao

Ioana (Alexandra Marin)
Nationality: Romanian
Major: B.S. Neuroscience
Nickname: Snuffles McGregor
Likes: science, biotronic, desi stuff, cooking
Favorite dish: piure de cartofi (mashed potatoes)

Nafis (Q Hasan)
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Major: B.S. Biology
Nickname: Mofiz
Likes: Bio, Manga, FOOD, sex, hair
Favorite dish: biryani

Ryan (Shroff)
Nationality: India
Major: B.S. Psychology
Nickname: Cute & Badass
Likes: mint chocolate chip hooka, making people feel good, mangoes, making fun of his sister, tetris
Favorite dish: Dahi Kadi
I think that's it for now...
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